Blog - Design Web Applications in .NET
Lets start with Easy Stuff - SQL Except CLause
By Martin Zietarski On Thursday, 29 March 2012
Couple days ago I developed our companys Organization Chart based on simple SQL database table which contains all employees as well objects such are for example printer, fax or departments. Each employee reports to a manager or department.
As we realized that the chart is going to be very wide in the horizontal view - We started to reduce some of the node's and entities.
A SQL statement with the EXCEPT clause saved me a lot work and showed on the other hand that my C# template to draw the nodes - actually works smooth.
Here is the SQL sample code:
SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, ReportToID
FROM Employee
SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, ReportToID
FROM Employee
WHERE (ReportToID = 123456)
You can repeat the EXCEPT part of the query as often you need.
So it works like a MINUS to your data set. I was able to reduce my deep sized organziation Chart to a minimum.